Water Testing
We take samples of your home’s water to check the pH level and test it for microscopic minerals, bacteria, and particles. This can help ensure the water is safe for drinking, cooking, and bathing.

Precision Home & Property Inspections provides water testing services to ensure that your water is safe for drinking, cooking, and bathing. We take samples of your home’s water and test it for microscopic minerals, bacteria, and particles. We also check the water’s pH level. This can help ensure the water is safe for your family and pets.
If you are concerned about the quality of your water, contact us today to schedule a water testing appointment. We will take a sample of your water and test it for all of the harmful substances mentioned above. We will then provide you with a report detailing our findings.
If you are not happy with the quality of your water, we can help you find a solution that fits your needs and budget. Contact us today to learn more about our water testing services.
We're happy to answer any questions you have about our inspection services. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have additional concerns!
We follow the stringent guidelines and Inspection Standards of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI). The inspector typically spends 2 1/2 to 3 hours or about 1 hr. per 1,000 sq. ft. of home space performing a thorough, visual, functional and operational inspection of the many structural and mechanical components of the home. The inspection includes an evaluation of such important elements as: Grounds, Foundation, Structural, Attics, Roofs, Plumbing, Electrical, Heating, Air Conditioning, Appliances, etc. Additional available services include items such as Irrigation, Pools, Hot Tubs etc. A detailed report written in language that you can understand, will be furnished by the end of the day. We feel that a verbal consultation is a normal part of the inspection process, and we are also available for additional consultation, if you should need.
Inspections are meant to provide information about the condition of the property so that you can determine if it fails or passes your expectations and/or needs. We are not municipal or code compliance inspectors that have the authority to pass or condemn a home or building, however, we do examine, test, and report on systems and components according to the standards of practice set forth by (Inter-NACHI). We will clearly communicate the top priorities amongst the issues reported, so you know what to focus on in negotiations.
The best time to contact us is when you are in the **contract stage** of the buying process. Once the contract has been accepted by both buyer and seller, the allotted "inspection days" start counting down.
Let’s Get Started
We make getting a home inspection easy. You can schedule your inspection by filling out our contact form or calling us at 352-742-3222. We're thorough, professional, and always here to help.